Randy Orton - I Hear Voices

2012.05.20 15:21

Randy Orton bevonuló zenéjét a Rav Theory (korábbi nevükön Revelation Theory) amerikai hard rock banda adja elő. 2002-ben alakultak New Yorkban, első albumuk a Truth is Currency volt.

Akkor ismerte meg őket jobban a világ, amikor a WWE 2007-ben a Light It Up című számukat a WrestleMania XXIV. hivatalos zenéjévé választotta, majd 2008-ban a Hell, Yeah lett a WWE One Night Stand zenéje.

Ugyancsak 2008-ban lett az alábbi zeneszám Orton hivatalos bevonuló zenéje.


Hear voices in my head
They council me
They understand
They talk to me

You got your rules and your religion
All designed to keep you safe
But when rules start getting broken
You start questioning your faith

I have a voice that is my savior
Hates to love and loves to hate
I have a voice that has the knowledge
And the power to rule your fate

I hear voices crying
I see heroes dying
I taste the blood that's drying
I feel tensions rising

I hear voices in my head
They council me
They understand

They talk to me, they talk to me
They tell me things that I will do
They show me things I'll do to you
They talk to me, they talk to me

All the lawyers are defenseless
All the doctors are diseased
And the preachers all are sinners
And police just take the grease
All you judges you are guilty
All the bosses I will fire
All you bankers will have losses
And politicians are all liars

I see darkness falling
I hear voices calling
I feel justice crawling
I see faith has fallen